


《从我脚尖吻我!Kiss me!》


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  1. yo mate, where can you order this stuff online. I will be back to Malaysia for a couple of months. Just wondering how are the online shopping scene in Malaysia now as compared with UK.

  2. Malaysia online shopping environment is kinda HOT these few years, i’d buy over many things online recently without any hassle. Mostly is paid over m2u. These books are what i can’t find at pasar malam ciplak stall, so i gonna buy the original. i found this online store at facebook, hehe. If you are lazy to go far far to KLCC just to get a few books, then they are a good choice. Delivering to your doorsteps.

    For english book, you can buy at kinokuniya online:

  3. 阿玉,借是可以,但都不知道什么时候才会跟你喝茶吹水。
    《从我脚尖吻我!Kiss me!》看完了,呵呵,女性角度出发的书,很适合你看。还有两本alan的,今晚开始看。

  4. hey george, about your knee, after the Robin Hood run at UK, you still can run or not? March got 2 events kinda interesting, Bareno Run 15km at Bukit Jalil, another one lagi hebat is Energizer Night Run at cyberjaya, you’ll wear a headlight to run, so exciting~~wanna join?

  5. 才须学也,非学无以广才,非志无以成学。学,然后知不足,教,然后知困。知不足,然后能自反也;知困,然后能自强也。



  6. 有时候知道太多,认识了这个世界也未必是好事来的。这个世界太美丽了,只是人性都太丑陋。



  7. I have one recommendation also…. you know merdeka review? they have a small department which will help you to buy books from China… its a lot of choices and its cheaper….

    I bought whole set of “san mao’s” collection (5 books) and it cost me less than RM80 (inclusive of courier charges), so ‘song’ la when you shop at the chinese bookshop. so many variety!

    sometimes, some old stock even got promotion, cost only 3 renminbi… convert to RM + courier is really cheap until siaw la…. worth trying!

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