Paklah:”Yo! Jean. Any aspirin? I had a fucking headache reagarding that anwar.”
Jean:”Relax dear. Let have a movie later.”
Paklah:”Any great movie you did enjoy recently?”
Jean:”oh yeah, i watched about The Hulk, Fantastic Four, X-Men and Spiderman.”
Paklah:”What is it all about?”
Jean:”These are all superheroes which have their DNA change and become mutant.”
Paklah:”That’s great! Any other oldies movies?”
Jean:”Yeah! Jurassic Park! They created dinasour from extracting DNA at dinasour’s bone.”
Paklah:”Really? I’ve learned from that.”
Abdullah urges Anwar to give sample for DNA test
The DNA sample the authorities have is too old
DNA is too old?? Har?? Another world class jokes!
PM: DNA yang ada, sudah lama
DNA ada beza baru ngan yang lama????? Cap jari tangan boleh tukar 10 tahun kemudian?
Sohai mia PM!
Anyway, please be remind that our Prime Minister is not a doctor.
He studied Islamic at University Malaya…….
after he fail economy during Form 6.
And, please be remind again..
A guy fail economy, is Finance Minister of Malaysia.
Malaysia Boleh!