1. Sin City 2005
2. Se7en 1995
3. Fight Club 1999
4. The Big Fish 2003
5. Man on Fire 2004
6. Pulp Fiction 1994
1.The Professional/Leon 1994
2. Amélie 2001
3. Delicatessen 1991
4. The Big Lebowski 1998
5. Cube 1997
6. Ps I love you 2007
everytime when i read your ‘ying ping’ i ‘lao cui nua’ coz long time never watch a good movie already la….
here all the ‘junk food’ movies and veli the expensive to go to cinema…. ‘bo tat’ nia
i watched big fish n emelie b4…. very nice…. i always tell ppl i always wanna watch something that can touch your heart (not necessary sad story) and these two movies touched my heart!
the last few movies that i watch and i liked were the darjeling train (?… cant really remember the name), and one Hong Kong movie by huang ciu sheng, karen mok, zheng zhong ji (i cried non stop!)
dying 4 good moviesss!
aiyo kawan, 我不写影评的,我写的是观后感,呵呵,两者差别很大。流口水啊~~哈哈哈,是啊,最近都没有什么值得看的好电影.
骗你买票进场虚度年华的电影我们叫做pop corn movie,不叫junk food movie,哈哈。
你说的那两部片,火车的是:穿越大吉岭The Darjeeling Limited,主角就是牛仔Owen Wilson。另外一部香港片是叫做《老港正傳》,黄秋生当电影院老板的吧~~呵呵,我在香港飞回来时候飞机上面看的,看到眼红红,没有哭,空姐还笑我。
昨天刚刚看完《Man On Fire》,瓦老,超好看的,比起今年的头号动作片Taken还要好看,还要有内心戏,还要更加狠更加冷血。呵呵,还弄哭了我三次,你说厉害吗。那个童星Dakota Fanning,真是讨人喜欢,长大后铁定是另外一个natalie portman.
here ha, no pirated DVD la…. how to buy?
download also veli the mafan, office block this block that, at home pula have to go out to living room then only got access…. ‘mo gam hou hei’
now the only thing i watch is hong kong series lo…
previously i watch ‘da qin di guo’, china series, quite nice but suddently ho…. one DVD cannot watch…. so sean n i stop watching d…. (i am veli serious in movies man) hehe
hei, you know arh, air asia got come to abu dhabi d….. so, now, to travel to desert is nolonger an expensive thing la….
HK series cannot watch one la..hehehe..like kids.
nowadays i also not dare go to cinema liao..coz H1N1. takut ni. Got time watch DVD at home.
and, tak mahu pergi desert la….i plan wanna go Tibet.